Our Engagement

About us

Respect of budgets

The experience and expertise of TFN Construction L.P. is based on the obligation for Aboriginal communities to work with the smallest possible budgets in order to maximize the number of residential units available to members of the community. All the members of the team have thus assimilated the importance of this fact, and have made it their spearhead.

Respect of deadlines

In the world of construction, if you want to respect the budgets you must respect the deadlines. All overruns in time lead to changes in the work planning and open the door to price changes.

Respect for communities

TFN Construction L.P. from the Timiskaming First Nation shares the same reality as other Aboriginal communities. We understand the issues of construction for members of aboriginal communities.

Respect the environment

A Nation for whom the origins have extreme importance must do their utmost to preserve this land which constitutes a part of this origin. Taking into account the economic aspect, all the decisions taken concerning materials, transport, energy and residues go through an environmental reflection.